Services for Children in Therapeutic Fos...

Services for Children in Therapeutic Foster Care with Behavioral Health Issues—5 CE

Therapeutic/treatment foster care (TFC) is currently one of the most widely used forms of out-of-home placement for children and adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Participants will become familiar with information gathered from the technical expert panel held by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) to identify what the research tells us about services for children in TFC with behavioral health issues.

In Part 1: Participants will consider the following issues: children’s mental health; history; state variations in TFC; research on TFC; and organizational and financial issues.

In Part 2: Participants will learn about the following topic areas presented at the technical expert panel meeting: what is known about TFC; what is known about identifying youth appropriate for TFC; what is known about the essential elements of TFC; what is known about the psychosocial treatment of youth in TFC; what is known about outcomes for youth in TFC; and what is known about organizational issues in TFC.

In Part 3: Participants will cover the panel member consensus regarding the following: what the research tells us about TFC; what the recommendations are for implementing what we do know; and what the recommendations are for advancing the knowledge base.

This course is intended to provide important information regarding services for children in therapeutic/treatment foster care (TFC) with behavioral health issues for mental health professionals, social workers, substance abuse professionals, child welfare workers, healthcare professionals, psychologists, or certified addiction specialists.


Course Objectives:

  • To learn about the following TFC issues: children’s mental health; history; state variations in TFC; research on TFC; and organizational and financial issues
  • To become familiar with what is known about TFC; what is known about identifying youth appropriate for TFC; what is known about the essential elements of TFC; what is known about the psychosocial treatment of youth in TFC; what is known about outcomes for youth in TFC; and what is known about organizational issues in TFC.
  • To understand the consensus regarding takeaways from TFC research tells us; as well as recommendations for implementing and advancing such knowledge



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Course #20-466444

Approved by:

The Florida Certification Board

National Board for Certified Counselors

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling

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