Parental Substance Abuse and the Child W...

Parental Substance Abuse and the Child W... 1 CE

Course Description: This course requires the Participant to read and understand the course material pertaining to parental substance use and the child welfare system.  Families involved in the child welfare system are often afflicted by the consequences of parental substance abuse. In an effort to better serve the complex needs of these families, research and program evaluation has brought about new strategies for prevention, intervention and treatment.

In Parental Substance Use and the Child Welfare System, Participants will begin by exploring the relationship between substance use disorders and child maltreatment.  Next, Participants will analyze the impact of parental substance use on children, specifically: parenting; prenatal and infant development; and child and adolescent development.  Additionally, Participants will examine child welfare laws related to parental substance use.  Also, Participants will learn about the following difficulties child welfare agencies face in serving children and families affected by parental substance use disorders: insufficient service availability; inadequate funds; difficulties in engaging; knowledge gaps; lack of coordination; and differences in perspectives and timeframes.  Next, Participants will consider a number of examples of promising and innovative prevention and treatment approaches.  Additionally, Participants will become familiar with the following casework practice strategies: family engagement; routine screening and assessment; individualized treatment and case plans; support of parents in treatment in recovery; providing services for children of parents with substance use issues; and permanency planning.  Also, Participants will examine how collaborative and integrated strategies have been utilized to coordinate services from child welfare, treatment, dependency courts, and other service systems for families affected by substance abuse.  Finally, Participants will review a number of grant programs funded by the Children’s Bureau.

This course is intended to provide child welfare professionals, mental health professionals and social workers with an overview of the connection between substance use disorders and child maltreatment and prevention, intervention and treatment strategies.

Course Objectives: 

  • To be familiar with the factors affecting the consequences of child abuse and neglect
  • To be aware of physical health consequences of child abuse and neglect
  • To identify psychological consequences linked to child abuse and neglect
  • To consider the behavioral consequences of child abuse and neglect
  • To explore societal consequences of child abuse and neglect
  • To understand that communities must take both preventative and reactive actions 

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COURSE # 20-498960

Approved By:

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling Exp. 3/31/17

Florida Council of Licensed Midwifery CE # 50-8004 Exp 3/31/19

Florida Certification Board 5229-A Exp. 12/31/19

National Board for Certified Counselors ACEP 6663 Exp. 4/30/19

Many State Boards accept courses approved through other State Boards or by National Boards such as NBCC. Please check with your state board if it is not listed here