Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence

Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence 3 CE 

Course Description:   This course requires the Participant to read and understand the Medical Management Treatment Manual: A Clinical Guide for Researchers and Clinicians Providing Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence, that serves as a clinical guide for delivering Medical Management (MM) treatment to persons with alcohol dependence.  This “Generic Version” of the MM manual is an adaptation of an earlier manual constructed specifically for use by medical providers in the COMBINE multisite clinical trial.  This adaptation was done to facilitate the use of MM when treating alcohol use disorders in clinical pharmacotherapy research trials and in practice-based clinical settings.

In Medical Management Treatment Manual: A Clinical Guide for Researchers and Clinicians Providing Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence (Generic Version; 2010 edition), Participants will begin with an introduction to MM treatment that considers the rationale for MM treatment, provides a MM treatment overview and discusses MM treatment in a research context.  Next, Participants will be provided with guidelines for covering the six MM Initial Session topics with patients.  Additionally, Participants will learn about the three MM Follow-up Session assessments and will consider recommendations based upon the four potential outcomes from these assessments.  Also, Participants will be exposed to the different strategies to address medication non-adherence and session non-attendance.  Finally, Participants will conclude by reviewing the process of administering Medical Attention (MA) within a MM treatment context.

This course is intended to familiarize mental health professionals, social workers, substance abuse professionals, child welfare workers, healthcare professionals, psychologists, or certified addiction specialists, with guidelines for clinical providers of MM treatment to persons with alcohol dependence.

Course Objectives:

  • To be familiar with basic information concerning Medical Management (MM) treatment, including the rationale for MM treatment and the characteristics of MM treatment in a research context
  • To identify the six MM Initial Session topics covered with patients
  • To be familiar with the three MM Follow-up Session assessments and the recommendations based upon the four potential outcomes
  • To be aware of the different strategies utilized in addressing medication non-adherence and session non-attendance


Medical Management Treatment Manual: A Clinical Guide for Researchers and Clinicians Providing Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Dependence (Generic Version; 2010 edition), Helen M. Pettinati, Ph. D. and Margaret E. Mattson Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).


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Course # 20-498950

Approved By:

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling Exp. 3/31/19

Florida Council of Dietetics and Nutrition Exp. 3/31/19

Florida Council of Licensed Midwifery CE # 50-8004 Exp 3/31/19

Florida Certification Board 5229-A Exp. 12/31/19

National Board for Certified Counselors ACEP 6663 Exp. 4/30/19

Many State Boards accept courses approved through other State Boards or by National Boards such as NBCC. Please check with your state board if it is not listed here

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