Sexual Dysfunctions Gender Identity Diso...

Sexual Dysfunctions, Gender Identity Disorders, Paraphilias, and Sexual Offenders 3 CE

Course Description:

This course is a refresher on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders as postulated in DSM-IV-TR. Sexual Dysfunctions and Gender Identity Disorders will be discussed to serve as a review of what type of dysfunctions and disorders are there. Paraphilias will be discussed in great details because certain paraphilias and some people who suffer from them—those people who are rightfully called sexual offenders have brought about prevalent social problems, which have significant social and emotional tolls to the community, the victims and their families. Thus, mental health professionals and social workers in general will learn the most current scholarly findings on this issue as they take this course.

Learning Objective:

  • Participants will learn or refresh their knowledge of what sexual dysfunctions are--their etiology, the criteria for each dysfunction, symptoms and treatment.
  • Participants will learn or refresh their knowledge of what gender identity disorders are, their etiology, the criteria for diagnoses of them, symptoms and treatment if at all.
  • Participants will learn different paraphilias and the consequences of such paraphilias that have controlled the lives of the people who suffer from them and the by-product of such disorders, which affect the community, society, victims and their families.
  • Participants will learn from the ideas of certain scholars like psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, forensic psychiatrists and psychologists regarding sexual disorders and sexual predators who suffer from sexual disorders, specifically paraphilias.
  • Participants will learn how to protect ourselves from people (sexual offenders and predators) who succumbed to certain acute and seemingly untreatable sexual disorders. 
  • Finally, participants will learn some findings on the issue of recidivism.


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Course # 20-381555

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