Domestic Violence 2 CE

Domestic Violence 2 CE/2 NBCC approved clock hours

Florida CSW, MFT, and MHC: This course is required for initial licensure and upon renewal of your license. 

Course Description: The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling mandates that every applicant for initial licensure complete 2 CE in Domestic Violence.For those professionals already licensedthe Domestic Violence CE requirement must be met once every six years – every 3rd license cycle.  This course is designed to educate healthcare professionals on how to define domestic violence and identify those who are affected by domestic violence. This course describes how a victim can be screened and diagnosed. This course includes national and local community domestic violence resources. Finally participants will become familiar with Florida laws as it relates to “privilege” and obtaining injunctions.


Course Objectives


  • To Define Domestic Violence
  • Identify Domestic Violence, i.e. signs and symptoms
  • Learn the Cycles of Domestic Violence
  • Screening patients who may be in a domestic violent relationship
  • Identity national and community resources for treatment
  • Identify the steps for obtaining a Restraining Order


You will receive a link to  enter our online classroom which provides access to the free course material and online post-test. You must pass with a minimum of 70% correct to obtain a certificate. If you fail the post-test you may retake it without limit.  A certificate will be generated upon successful completion of the course. Upon your written request we will mail you a copy. 

If you have purchased the Unlimited CE Package you have up to 6 months to access the course.  In the alternative you have up to 60 days to complete this course from the time of purchase.  If you need an extension please contact us in writing and we will extend the expiration date.

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Course # 20-705779

This Course is approved by the:

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling.  CE Provider # 50-8004

Florida Council of Licensed Midwifery  CE Provider # 50-8004

Florida Board of Nursing  CE Provider # 50-8004

National Board for Certified Counselors ACEP 6663

Florida Certification Board 5229-A

Many State Boards accept courses approved through other State Boards or by National Boards such as NBCC. Please check with your state board if it is not listed here. 


Contributor: Kathleen McCarthy, N.C.C., MS. JD., Esq..  Ms. McCarthy is an attorney licensed by the Florida Bar and admitted into the United District Court in the Southern District of Florida. She is also a Nationally Certified Counselor with previous experience in the community mental health field, substance abuse and criminal mental health population. She currently practices civil defense  and mental health law, and has experience including, but not limited to Chapter 39 Dependency and Termination of Parental Right proceedings, Chapter 415 Adult Protective Services proceedings, Chapter 397 Marchman Act proceedings, Chapter 394 Baker Act proceedings, Chapter 744 Guardianship proceedings, Criminal Mental Health Court, Adoptions, and Institutional Review Boards. She has done extensive legal training for attorneys and mental health professionals through Psychiatric Consulting and Counseling and