Substance Exposed Infants 3 CE

Substance Exposed Infants 3 CE

This course is designed to alert the Participants to the procedural and substantive application of responses to the widespread issue of substance exposure of infants to controlled substances and whether current measures are successful. This course could be helpful to professionals working with populations of abused and neglected children such as Judges, General Magistrates, attorneys, healthcare professionals, substance abuse professionals, child welfare professionals, therapists, social workers, psychologists, physician assistants, and nurses.

 Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the reading material, the Participant should be able to:

  • Understand the purpose of the study – to establish a uniform application of prevention of and treatment of substance exposed infants nationally;
  • Identify the five points of the intervention framework and understand how they are linked together;
  • Recognize the need for changes to the system(s) of identifying infants affected by pre-natal substance exposure;
  • Differentiate broad and narrow policy perspectives;
  • Understand how the Child Abuse Prevention Act (CAPTA) addresses the issue and it evolves by monitoring and following trends;
  • Identify differences in intervention policies of various states;
  • Compare and contrast the three distinct programs authorized by federal legislation addressing post-natal interventions for developmental disabilities;
  • Understand the purpose and effectiveness of  family drug court programs;
  • Recognize the barriers to success of the various programs and implementations.


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