Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment i...
In Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment, participants will explore the fundamentals for effective drug addiction treatment. Additionally, participants will consider several important questions frequently experienced by affected individuals. Also, participants will learn about the types of drug addiction treatment in the United States, with a focus on the treatment of drug addicted individuals involved in the criminal justice system. Finally, participants will conclude by reviewing examples of empirically supported pharmacotherapies, behavioral therapies and behavioral therapies utilized primarily for adolescents.
This course is intended to outline crucial information concerning the complexity of drug addiction treatment, as well as tackle many of the frequently asked questions regarding the subject matter for mental health professionals, social workers, substance abuse professionals, child welfare workers, court personnel, attorneys, healthcare professionals, psychologists, peer specialists, and certified addiction specialists.
Course Objectives:
- To be familiar with the principles of effective drug addiction treatment
- To consider frequently asked questions many affected individuals have
- To understand drug addiction treatment in the United States
- To identify the various types of programs and the unique situation of treating criminal justice-involved drug addicted individuals
- To explore examples of evidence-based drug addiction pharmacotherapies, behavioral therapies, and behavioral therapies used primarily for adolescents
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